Oh how I love the snow!!!! It kind of bums me out that it doesn't snow here. My kids and I love going skiing and snowboarding. (I just wish Jeffy would not be such a desert rat,LOL)
A couple of weekends ago, my mom, the kids and I packed up and drove to Orem to visit Brad and Mel and to go play in the snow. We had so much fun! We went to Sundance on Friday, and on Saturday, my mom took the boys back up. We were debating whether to go there again or to Snowbird, but Snowdance was a lot closer. (20 minutes). Mel and I just hung around the house. It was the best!! I have been so busy with boys and baseball lately that I didn't mind just sitting around and catching up. We did go to Ikea, of course!
Katie was so excited to go, but when we got to Orem, she decided that she wasn't going because she didn't want to leave London by herself. So, she stayed and played with London!
Carlee skied while the boys snowboarded. They are so good out in the snow. Braxton gave me grief for about two hours on Friday, telling me how he is horrible on the snowboard and how he can't snowboard. I was so MAD at him. After about two hours of yelling at each other back and forth and numeours calls to Jeff, I convinced him that he is good, and the only way to get better is to keep trying. We went back on the lift and after that I couldn't get him off the mountain. He was having SO much fun. When I told the boys at 4:30 that was it, Braxtoon said: "Oh man! I didn't even get to snowbaord that much!" (really Braxton, if you didn't complain forever you would have gotten a chance) Kids.....UGH!!!!!
All in all it was a great weekend. It was so fun visiting with Brad and Mel and those two ADORABLE girls!!!! I love those girls and miss them so much!!!! London is talking, and it's so cute! Brea is just the happiest little girl. She is always smiling!!!!
Thanks for letting us stay with you Andersons!!!!!!